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Post as standard mail

Just like a paper card. Put a regular stamp and throw it in the mailbox.

Comme une carte en papier. Timbrez, postez...

eco design

We use maple wood to create these amazing postcards. These trees grow worldwide.

Nous utilisons l'érable pour créer ces cartes. Ces arbres sont en abondance sur les 5 continents.


We create ranges that you can collect. Ranges that work together. That you can show-off at home or offer.

Nous créons des collections entières. A poster, offrir ou garder pour soi.

Ball or felt Pen/Stylo bille ou feutre

That's it. You can write on it like on paper.

Ecrivez au feutre ou au stylo bille.

all cards are different

All trees are different. Just like our cards.

Tous les arbres sont différents. Comme nos cartes.

Made in france


Actually this company is in France.

Et cette société se trouve en France.

quality print

Printed just like on paper. Full-color printing. Fantastic colors.

Impression comme sur du papier. Couleurs et rendu remarquables.

flexible and resistant

Oh and this is incredible. Bend it. Tear it. It doesn't break. Solid as a tree trunk.

Ces cartes se plient, se tordent mais ne se cassent pas.

you'll love woodhi

With all these amazing features and designs, we hope that you'll love Woodhi.

Avec toutes ces caractéristiques remarquables, nous espérons que vous aimerez Woodhi.


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